Wednesday 14 November 2012

Three tips to apply a good digital strategy

Three tips to apply a good digital strategy            

In his paper "The success factors for a good digital strategy" RKINFO operations director, was on hand to give the second talk of Congress National Digital Marketing. During his presentation unveiled three keys to making a good digital strategy.
Three tips to apply a good digital strategy
This indicated that the first thing you must define to design a successful digital strategy is to understand the context in which it operates both the brand and the target audience, where users need to be understood as virtual consumers, where loyalty is difficult to retain the diversity of options that the digital age and 2.0 offer.
It then noted that the key to designing a digital strategy are:
1.-Understand the consumer and the market
If brands do not understand the consumer, actions and strategies implemented on digital platforms, and generally in any space-not are relevant to the target audience so you do not get the expected results.
Thus we must know the habits, interests, needs and tastes of consumers, and in this way to know what are the best ways to impact, terminals, formats and contents to adapt strategies and to understand and meet the market to find new business opportunities.
2.-Create tailored creativity
In the digital age need to create messages tailored to the platforms on which they want to execute the strategies.
That is, you need to define the platforms that will be implemented to ensure that these actions are designed by, for and on behalf of the spaces.
It is not adapted, creative design is optimal for each of the available media platform where establishing strategies understand that digital is much more than the web.
3.-understand statistics
As known in the digital age is essential to optimize measurement strategies and actions implemented.
The big challenge is how to interpret the measured results but the statistics show, for consumers better understand and enhance the results that can be achieved.

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